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Senate HELP Committee chair Lamar Alexander (R-TN) kicked off the debate in early 2019, challenging Congress to overhaul the Higher Education Act before the end of the year. Last reauthorized in 2008, HEA provides some $122 billion a year in federal loans and grants for postsecondary students and institutions of higher education. The current version of the legislation is sharply skewed in favor of traditional academic education at the expense of programs that prepare students for the world of work. But several provisions under consideration by lawmakers could begin to remedy this imbalance.

Higher Education Act of 1965 underlying bill
PROSPER Act House Republican 2018 reauthorization draft
Aim Higher Act House Democrat 2018 reauthorization draft

Workforce amendments
JOBS Act summary
Sen. Rob Portman floor remarks
College Transparency Act
CTA summary

OA JCC priorities for higher education
OA JCC letter of support for the JOBS Act
Side-by-side JOBS Act and Pell Flexibility Act
OA JCC letter of support for the Student Aid Improvement Act

Capitol Hill briefing An unknown landscape: Short-term job-focused college programs

Federal spending on postsecondary education and training
Workforce provisions in the House Republican 2018 draft

National Skills Coalition JOBS Act summary
Progressive Policy Institute JOBS Act policy brief
JOBS Act coalition of the willing letter on JOBS Act and Pell Flexibility act

Report An unknown landscape: Short-term job-focused college programs
Spotlight on Poverty Q&A The untapped potential of community college career education

Institute for Higher Education Policy CTA summary
New America CTA endorsement
US Chamber of Commerce Foundation CTA key vote
White House proposals to reform the Higher Education Act

New York Times New America: JOBS Act could hurt more than help
New York Times Sens. Kaine and Portman respond

Inside Higher Ed Senators reintroduce transparency act
The Hill College transparency can help Americans make smarter choices

Inside Higher Ed Sen. Alexander lays out vision for HEA
Inside Higher Ed Sen. Murray lays out vision for HEA
The Chronicle of Higher Education Trump administration priorities for HEA