Letter to House Subcommittee on Workforce Development on legislation reauthorizing WIOA, 3-14-25
Letter to House and Senate leadership on legislation reauthorizing WIOA, 12-4-24
Comments submitted to Senate HELP Committee on legislation reauthorizing WIOA, 7-1-24
Letter to House leadership on legislation reauthorizing WIOA, 4-8-24
Comment on DOL proposed rule on registered apprenticeship, 3-17-24
Letter to House leadership on workforce Pell, 2-27-24
Letter to House Education & Workforce Committee on legislation reauthorizing WIOA, 1-17-24
Annotated list of education and training proposals pending in Congress, 11-29-23
Letter to Senate HELP Committee on five proposed education and training bills, 7-24-23
Survey of employer opinion about WIOA submitted to House Education & Workforce Committee, July 2023
Comment on DOL proposed rule on WIOA employer measure, 11-14-22
Letter endorsing Sen. Tom Cotton’s American Workforce Act, 10-3-22
Letter on Federal Highway Administration proposal for training electric vehicle technicians, 8-22-22
Letter to House leadership on proposal for WIOA reauthorization, 5-13-22
Memo to Senate HELP Committee about WIOA reauthorization, 4-26-21
Letter to House Education & Workforce Committee on proposal for WIOA reauthorization, 4-3-22
Letter to Senate Finance Committee on apprenticeship provisions in the Clean Energy for America Act, 5-25-21
Letter to House leadership on proposal to reauthorize the National Apprenticeship Act, 2-3-21
Letter to House Rules Committee on proposal to reauthorize the National Apprenticeship Act, 1-29-21
Letter to House leadership on proposal to reauthorize the National Apprenticeship Act, 11-13-20
Letter to Senate leadership on training provisions in Covid-19 stimulus legislation, 7-30-20
Summary of Senate proposal to fund training for workers displaced by the Covid-19 pandemic, July 2020
Letter to House Education & Labor and Senate HELP committees on training and education needed in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, 5-20-20
Memo to House Education & Labor Committee on proposal to reauthorize the National Apprenticeship Act, 3-12-20
Letter to House Education & Labor Committee on priorities for postsecondary education, 10-28-19
Letter to Senate HELP and Appropriations Committees urging increased Perkins funding, 9-19-19
Letter to House Education & Workforce Committee in support of WIOA, 6-4-14